Time is money! That’s how the saying goes. At the Etisalat business hub, this has been taken to heart and it has assured that visitors don't lose any time while getting a series of services they require to start or grow their businesses. Using state-of-the-art interactive technology such as RFID, interactive displays and autonomous service stations, Connectiv has transformed the Etisalat business hub into a showcase example of service level efficiency at its best.
January 1, 2020
Dubai, UAE
Etisalat is a trusted partner to businesses of all sizes in the region, as well as a powerful incubator providing starting and small businesses with the support needed to help them grow and reach their potential. At Etisalat, everyone knows that the key to a healhty economy and society’s wellfare is entrepreneurship. So, as the region’s most powerful brand, Etisalat has taken up the role of facilitating the creation and growth of businesses, for example through the launch of business hubs. These business hubs are places where entrepreneurs can come to get services and advice in a wide range of areas, ranging from getting their official government-issued company number to closing insurance contracts and leasing office equipment. The hubs are made up of both government and private entities, ready to assist visitors together. This facilitates the lives of business people tremendously as they no longer need to procure each of these services separately in different locations across the city.
Time is money! Decision makers in charge of the Etisalat business hub took that saying as a given and thought about how the hub could provide its services in the most time-efficient and pleasant manner. Given the number of services provided at the centre and the fact that every visitor will require a mix of services that is likely to be different than that of others, the challenge would be how to guide people through the entire process in a fluent intelligent way. Providing a highly flexible, personalized and dynamic visitor journey with as little waiting time as possible was a key objective presented to Connectiv, along with the desire to create an appealing tech-enabled setting that would provide the hub with prestige and set an example to the world.
Connectiv has designed and delivered a hyper-efficient frontrunner service hb concept guiding every visitor through the facilities following a highly personalized flow and communications. Using interactive autonomous service stations, RFID and beacon technology as well as articifial intelligence, ever visitor follows a unique path throughout the facility assuring minimal waiting times. How does it work?
Crucial points to know
The technology-enabled visitor journey designed and delivered by Connectiv led to a series of benefits
These benefits and more have set the new benchmark for future business hubs, having led to a roll-out of the concept towards other business hubs and similar centres and organization around the region and across countries.
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