We pride ourselves on our long standing experience and expertise in working with leading retail brands across the region, transforming their business by reinventing the customer journey
We go beyond what meets the eye and compose digitised recipes for a more successful business both in front of as well as behind the screens, deliver state-of-the-art multisensory digitized customer experiences.
We help build more successful retail brands
We cover the entire range of expertise areas, services and technologies required to deliver and maintain game-changing turnkey multi-sensory communications solutions transforming the shopping experience.
We work in a technology-agnostic way, providing only the most suitable customized complete solutions for each brand we work with. With Connectiv you achieve true differentiation.
Retail Digital Signage
Self-service & information kiosks
Interactive wayfinding
LED Surfaces & Walls
Virtual sales assistants
Our retail solutions are aimed at building retail brands‘ success in the real world by using clever digital components and technology.We aim to nourish customer engagement and as a consequence achieve a wide range of benefits for our clients.