• Digital Signage
  • Entertainment
  • Hospitality

Reel Cinemas digital communications and entertainment

— Overview

In order to provide a visitor experience worthy of the Reel cinemas brand the entertainment brand’s leadership decided to give their venues a total make over. The goal: to take customers on a journey and wow them with a visual spectacle from the moment they arrive at the cinema. They counted on Connectiv to design and deliver na informative, engaging and entertaining digital communications approach. Connectiv provided design and consulting services as well as all fitting screens and hardware and centralised content management systems.

  • Consultancy
  • Real time information visualisation
  • Interactive social media content
  • Dynamic digital signage

January 1, 2020


Dubai, UAE


Reel cinemas

Challenge and objectives

Movies are about emotions, about taking the audience on a journey. Reel cinemas understood that as provider of quality entertaining experiences, that journey needed to start from the moment a person walks on to the Reel Cinema venue, and not just when the movie starts. The challenge Reel cinemas faced was how to create such an immersive experience from start to finish while at the same time providing visitors with dynamic accurate information as well as creating more interaction with the brand and involving audiences through user generated content.

The objectives set out for the initiatives included

  • Create a future-proof visual impact
  • Impress and entertain the visitors throughout the premises
  • Provide accurate up-to-date dynamic information about viewing times, new movies, etc, throughout the venue
  • Guide people to the right theatre without issues or confusion
  • Provide powerful marketing tools enticing people to come back watch more new movies
  • Push and boost up- and cross selling of add-nos like food and beverages
  • Create more interaction with the visitors, create powerful customer peer to peer marketing
  • Reinforce the brand’s strong positive image with consumers
  • Remain a leader in the segment


Installing over X screens, video walls and large size LED displays, the cinema complex was transformed into a visual communications spectacle.

  • Large LED displays welcome the visitor with strong visually appealing messaging and promotions as well as captivating content like movie trailers.
  • The sessions schedule is visualized on digital timetables showing real time updated information at all times.
  • Self service kiosks allows visitors to purchase their own tickets as well as buy special combos including other products and services like food and beverages.
  • A Large video wall wows the visitors with interactive social media content, allowing visitors to contribute and participate in the content in real time.
  • Displays around the venue and at the entrance of every theatre provide relevant real-time and updated information to visitors and guide them to the right places in an efficient way.
  • Screens make clever real-time suggestions are provided to visitors informing them of special promotions like food and beverage combos – depending on which products the venue wishes to promote sales of the most.

Content across screens is produced, published and managed using the centralised content management platform provided and managed by Connectiv.


The make-over resulted in a series if benefits

  • Higher customer satisfaction and feel-good sentiment
  • Increased up- and cross sales of add-nos like food combos
  • More repeat visits
  • Enhanced brand image
  • Increased revenue

As a result of the success, the new digitised cinema experience has been implemented in x more cinemas in the UAE region.

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